What's the Deal with Massage Guns?

Assuming that you have a solid understanding of how massage guns work a popular question you may ask now prior to purchasing one is, “Do massage guns actually work?”. Well the short answer is yes of course! However there was a lot of research conducted to get to that discovery, but these studies provide solid evidence so massage gun users everywhere can be confident in the products. Today we will take a look at the effects that massage guns have on your body and how our Ultimate Massage Gun Guidebook will help you maximize these positive effects. 

Studies have been done all around the world on massage guns which not only shows the popularity of the products, but also the credibility behind these studies. From Sweden to the United States studies have truly been done around the world on these products. For starters studies from 2014, seven years ago with lots of evidence now, have shown that vibration therapy (which is exactly what the massage gun does) is greatly effective at delaying onset muscle soreness. This means that you are not as likely to feel sore or muscle pain after a workout than you would without using a massage gun at all.

Besides these studies done in a lab, there have been a lot of testimonials from health professionals that highly support the use of massage guns for recoveries. For example one chiropractor was in a motorcycle accident and was looking for relief for his back anywhere that he could find it. Of course even though he was a chiropractor he could not fix his own back. This caused him to research different options that he could use all by himself to correct his back. From there he found massage guns and immediately fell in love due to the huge relief it brought him. From that day forward he highly encouraged the use of massage guns to his patients who experienced back pain.

What also makes massage guns great is that they can substitute for a chiropractor if you are not looking to spend a lot of money on the product, but that discussion is for another day. So yes massage guns actually do work, but it is essential to use them properly. You do not want to be vibrating your bones as that could cause more harm than good. This is why we have created the Ultimate Massage Gun Guidebook for your use.

My guidebook will walk you through step by step how to use a massage gun effectively anywhere on your body. Whether it is your back, shoulder, bicep, glutes, or much more, our guidebook covers it all and ensures that you will be massaging your muscles safely and in the most effective way possible. This is not just for full time athletes but for everyone that works out! You are bound to get sore at some point, so why not purchase a massage gun and our guidebook for immediate recovery? I promise you that purchasing our Ultimate Massage Gun Guidebook is a decision that you will never regret!